

时间:2023-09-25 作者:博鱼体育




Responding to the Call of the New Era, Maintaining the Passion for Struggle, Developing to be the Young Generation of the New Era

——Address by Dr. Prof. Wei Qian, Chairlady of the Board of GUFL, at the openning ceremony 2023

(September 24th, 2023)


博鱼体育董事长 韦茜 博士

Chairlady of the Board, Dr. Prof. Wei Qian


Distinguished President, the CPC Party Secretatry of GUFL, respected staff and teachers, dear fellow students, Good morning everyone.


I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new cohort of students from China, Thailand, Vietnam, Laos and beyond. Welcome to the big family of Guangxi University of Foreign Languages!


At the start of your academic journey here, I would like to share three important values that define our university. 


Firstly, passion. Our university is celebrating its 20th anniversary next year. As a young university, we are passionate about providing our students with diverse and enriching learning opportunities. We have degree programs in sixty majors, encompassing thirteen different languages. Moreover, we are striving to establish new master's programs. Our students are also passionate about learning, as evidenced by their early morning language communication practice sessions and late-night library visits. Many of our graduates pursue advanced studies after graduation. I am confident that you will also be one of these enthusiastic students in our family.



The second value is international-mindedness, which is an integral part of our school motto. Our university is growing alongside the increasingly important linkages between China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. Our language programs, combined with a cross-disciplinary learning environment, help students develop an international perspective and a competitive edge in their future careers. To date, our university has contributed over 50,000 volunteers to the China-ASEAN Exposition, and many of our alumni have achieved success in their careers or established their own companies in ASEAN. I hope that our new cohort will also embrace an international mindset and seize the opportunities available in this region.


The final value is needs. As Rita Pierson once said, “Every child deserves a champion-an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.”You are the children of our university. While our faculty, staff, and alumni may not be able to solve every challenge you may face, we are committed to supporting your needs and being your champions. I also hope that each of you will care for the needs of your classmates and respect their opinions.


同学们,再次欢迎你们加入广西外院!从踏入广西外院的那一刻起,你们人生的荣光和使命便与学校紧紧相连!希望你们秉持“留住中国魂 做好国际人”的校训精神,以奋斗者的姿态积极迎接大学之旅,我期待在校园里面看见你们最灿烂的笑容和听到你们最精彩的故事。

In conclusion, I want to thank you once again for joining our big family. I hope that you will enjoy your journey here and make the most of the opportunities available to you. I look forward to seeing your smiling faces on campus and hearing about your accomplishments in the future!


Thank you!